Sonntag, 1. Januar 2012

Welcome to The Show - Mr. Bogart!!

A Happy New Year to all our followers! I hope we all have a great 2012! 

~ Oh my.. already 2012!! ~

So now that we start into a new year we have a wonderful new star-guest at The Show - it's the peerless 

Humphrey Bogart!

~ yes, here's looking at you.. ~

For Monty chose our first guest  - the wonderful and dashing Errol Flynn (who had a great month here if I may say so..) - it's now my turn to choose a star and I decided to go with Mr. Bogart - for he is kind of a contrast to Errol "The Smirk" Flynn - and also he had his birthday not so long ago on December 25th.. 

So please prepare yourself for a month filled with all about "Bogie".. And those of you who are more interested in his 4th (and final) wife: Lauren Bacall is this month's Classic Movie Goddess at Monty's blog ALL GOOD THINGS! (just saying..)

~ Here they are - Next station: Blogville.. ~

But now: please take your seats - relax, welcome our guest affectionately -  and, please:

Enjoy the show!

Yours truly


2 Kommentare:

  1. Awesome intro post about Bogie, Irene. And thanks for the mention about Lauren being my classic movie goddess on my blog. Nice teamwork partner!

  2. You're welcome, partner! ;") So very, very glad that you like it!
